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  • Vanguard Zombies | Cod Zombie Guides

    The home page for Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies content. This category shows off Guides and Easter Eggs for the Vanguard Zombies maps: Der Anfang Terra Maledicta Shi No Numa Reborn The Archon Below are some screenshots of each of the maps. Click on these to click the link to watch the trailers for the maps. Der Anfang Terra Maledicta The Archon Der Anfang 1/4

  • WW2 Zombies | Cod Zombie Guides

    The home page for Call of Duty WWII Zombies content. This category shows off Guides and Easter Eggs for the WW2 Zombies maps: The Final Reich Groesten Haus The Darkest Shore The Shadowed Throne The Tortured Path The Frozen Dawn Below are some screenshots of each of the maps. Click on these to click the link to watch the trailers for the maps. The Final Reich Groesten Haus The Frozen Dawn The Final Reich 1/6

  • Infinite Warfare Zombies | Cod Zombie Guides

    The home page for Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Zombies. This category shows off Guides and Easter Eggs for the Infinite Warfare Zombies maps: Zombies in Spaceland Rave in the Redwoods Shaolin Shuffle Attack of the Radioactive Thing Beast From Beyond Below are some screenshots of each of the maps. Click on these to click the link to watch the trailers for the maps. Zombies In Spaceland Rave in the Redwoods Beast from Beyond Zombies In Spaceland 1/5

  • Black Ops II | Cod Zombie Guides

    The home page for Call of Duty Black Ops II Zombies. This category shows off Guides and Easter Eggs for the Black Ops II m aps: Tranzit Nuketown Zombies Die Rise Mob of the Dead Buried Origins Below are some screenshots of each of the maps. Click on these to access the link to watch the trailers for the maps. Tranzit Nuketown Zombies Origins Tranzit 1/6

  • The Frozen Dawn | Cod Zombie Guides

    In depth and to the point Guides and Easter Eggs for the Call of Duty WWII Zombies map The Frozen Dawn. Content coming in the future

  • Exo Zombies | Cod Zombie Guides

    The home page for Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Exo Zombies. This category shows off Guides and Easter Eggs for the Exo Zombies maps: Outbreak Infection Carrier Descent Below are some screenshots of each of the maps. Click on these to click the link to watch the trailers for the maps. Riot Outbreak Exo Zombies Descent Riot 1/5

  • Ascension Remastered | Cod Zombie Guides

    In depth and to the point Guides and Easter Eggs for the Call of Duty Zombies (Black Ops/Black Ops III) map Ascension. Contents Power/Pack a Punch Blowing up the Rocket Random Free Perk 115 Clocks Secret Cut Door Abracadabra 100 Points from Perk Machines Not Ready to Die Samantha's Hide and Seek Dr Monty Radio Radios/Red Telephones Main Easter Egg Quest Power/Pack a Punch How to activate Power and access Pack a Punch There are 2 different routes the player can take in order to be able to activate the Power on the map. Once the player has activated the Power they shall have access to perks, traps and Lunar Landers. They shall also now have colour on the map. To access the Pack a Punch area the player will need to fully refuel the rocket. This can be done by taking each of the 3 Lunar Landers from their areas on the map back over to the 'Spawn Room'. Each one only needs to be done once to partially refuel the rocket. Once the rocket is fully refueled they will need to head to the 'Power Area' and press the green button next to the power switch. Once they do this the rocket will then take off and the player will now have access to the Pack a Punch area for the rest of the game. If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the Power and how to access the Pack a Punch. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21 . Blowing up the Rocket Blowing up the Rocket Once the player presses the green button to launch the rocket in order to access the Pack a Punch area, if they have a explosive weapon or Ray Gun/Mark II and shoot at it then it shall blow up and in the Rocket bay area the player will be rewarded a free 2x points power-up. Random Free Perk Free Random Perk If the player buys a perk on Ascension then after a while it shall start a Space Monkey round. During this round Space Monkeys will attack perk machines that the player has bought from. If the player is able to protect all the machines from the Monkeys then once they kill the final one they shall receive a Max Ammo and Perk Bottle power-up. Once the player picks up the Perk Bottle power-up they shall then be rewarded a random perk they don't already have. Clocks set to 115 115 Clocks If the player looks at the clocks around the map they shall see they are set to the time 1:15 which is the famous zombies specific number 115. Secret Cut Door Secret Cut Door If the player on PC uses noclip on either Black Ops 1/3 Ascension and flys above the open door to the left of Mule Kick, they can see and activate the prompt to buy the door. This will do nothing to the door in game as the door is already open by default. This door however, originally was going to be a door the player would have had to buy with points. Abracadabra How to Activate Music Easter Egg 'Abracadabra' To activate the song 'Abracadabra' by Kevin Sherwood on Ascension you will need to find and interact with 3 Teddy Bears around the map. They are in the following areas. 1st Teddy Bear can be found in the 'Spawn Room'. It is located on the upper walkway on top of some barrels. The 2nd Teddy Bear can be found over by the 'Lunar Lander B' area. It is hidden behind a metal gate. The 3rd Teddy Bear can be found over by 'Lunar Lander C' area. It can be found sitting on top of the wall next to the Gobblegum machine if playing on Black Ops 3 version. If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21 . 100 Points from Perk Machines 100 Free Points from Perk Machines The player can obtain 100 points from each perk machine by laying down in front of them . If in co-op, only the first player who lays down in front of the machine can obtain the 100 points. The machines that the player can lay down in front of are: Quick Revive Jugger-Nog Stamin-Up Widow's Wine Mule Kick Speed Cola Not Ready to Die Not Ready to Die The player can activate the song 'Not Ready to Die' from Call of the Dead on the remaster of Ascension. This is done by walking up to each of the Red Phones and once they ring knifing them. Once all 3 are done then the song will play. If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song 'Not Ready to Die'. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21 . Samantha's Hide and Seek Samantha's Hide and Seek: How to Activate Music Easter Egg/Max Ammo 'Samantha's Sorrow' How to complete the Samantha's Hide and Seek Easter Egg and receive a free Max Ammo and activate the song 'Samantha's Sorrow' by Brian Tuey on Ascension Remastered. The player will need to have opened up the Pack a Punch and acquired the Gersh Device before they can begin this. Once the player has done this they need to use the Gersh Device to collect 3 Samantha dolls. The 1st Samantha doll can be found in the Pack a Punch room underneath the metal walkway on top of a pipe. The player will need to throw their Gersh Device underneath the pipe and once done, the black hole from the Gersh Device will collect the Samantha doll. The 2nd Samantha doll is located behind the building where the Wunderfizz Machine is located. It is located on the roof. The 3rd Samantha doll is located over near the Stamin-up Machine. It can be found on a metal scaffolding part of the roof. Once the player has collected all 3 Samantha dolls they will need to interact with the new one that has just spawned on the ground. This can be found outside the Pack a Punch area, next to some burning grass which is behind the wall with the KN-44 wallbuy. Once the player has interacted with the Samantha doll they need to shoot 5 Samantha dolls across the map quickly. The spawn locations for these 5 Samantha dolls are always the same every game. The video below shows all the locations. Finally the player will need to head back over to the area where they interacted with the Samantha doll that was laying down in the burning grass. They will see that the Samantha doll is now standing upright and spinning. The player needs to interact with the Samantha doll and once done, a skeleton arm will pull the Samantha doll underground, a free Max Ammo power-up will spawn and the song will begin to play. If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to complete the Easter Egg, receive a free Max Ammo, activate the song and will also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21 . Doctor Monty Radio Dr Monty Radio In the Black Ops III version of the map there is a brand new radio from Doctor Monty talking about the map's events. This radio is found in the 'Spawn Room', to the right of the Quick Revive machine tucked in the corner next to 2 metal crates.. If you require a video guide then the video below will show you where to find the Doctor Monty Radio and let you listen to everything he says. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21 . Radios/Red Telephones Radios/Red Telephones The player can find and listen to radios scattered across the map. These radios provide backstory to the map Ascension and its characters. The red phones on Ascension Remastered are different to the ones on Ascension as the audio from them has been changed from the Five crew to audio from the Ultimis crew in Call of the Dead. If you require a video guide then the video below will show you where to find all the Radios/Red Telephones and let you listen to all the audios for them. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21 . Ascension Main Easter Egg Quest Main Easter Egg Quest The main Easter Egg can only be completed normally with 4 players on both Black Ops 1 and 3 versions. There are however, mods that allow someone to do the main Easter Egg quest on both Black Ops 1 and 3 versions of the game in solo. These mods are ONLY available for the PC versions of the games. Below there is a breakdown of the Easter Egg Quest in both Solo and Co-op perspectives as some steps vary depending on the solo and co-op playthrough. Step 1 The player will need to have activated the Power to start the Easter Egg Quest. It is also advised the player gains access to the Pack a Punch early on too as this area is required later on during the Easter Egg Quest. If you require a guide on how to activate the Power and access Pack a Punch then the video below will explain how to do so. Step 2 In solo and co-op the player will now need to spin the Mystery Box to obtain the Gersh Device. Once the player obtains the Gersh Device they will need to head over to Luna Lander B area (this is where either PHD Flopper (if playing Black Ops 1) and Widow's Wine (if playing Black Ops III) perk machine are located). The player will need to look outside the map boundary and they shall see a sparking generator. The player will need to throw the Gersh Device at the generator and this will suck the generator into the black hole of the Gersh Device. Step 3 The players will now need to head over to the Lunar lander C area (where Stamin-up perk machine is located) and come over to an area under the metal staircase where there is a large puddle of water. They shall see a computer terminal with a static tv screen. The player will need to interact with this and the tv shall show a picture of the Illuminati symbol and the step will be complete. Step 4 For this step the player or players will need to find and interact with red buttons on the wall during a Monkey Round. The look of the red button is shown below. The video below shows all the locations of the red buttons. Bear in mind that depending on which version of the map you are playing the red button over at Lunar Lander A will be either next to PHD Flopper (Black Ops 1) or Widow's Wine (Black Ops 3) perk machine. Solo In solo the player will only need to interact with 1 of the red buttons on the wall. Once they do so then the red buttons will all go into the wall and the step will be completed. Co-op In co-op all 4 players will need to head over to one of the red button locations as shown above and all at the exact same time interact with the red buttons on the walls. Once they time it perfectly then the red buttons will go into the wall and the step will be complete. Step 5 In both solo and co-op the players must have fully opened up the Pack a Punch area if not already done. If needed a guide for how to do this can be found above. The players will need to head down to the Pack a Punch area where the rocket was originally located. They shall see on one of the walls is a clock. The players need to stand on the giant round metal floor for 1 minuet without stepping off the round metal floor to complete this step. If an player steps off the round metal floor then the clock will reset and they will have to start the 1 minuet again. The players do not need to stare at the clock for the entire 1 minuet. Once the minuet is done this will set off a nuke and end the round indicating the step is completed and the clock will go into the wall. Step 6 For the next step the players will need to spell out the word LUNA by using the Lunar landers and calling them to certain areas of the map. An example of what the letters look like is shown below. Solo In solo the player will not be standing on the Lunar landers like in co-op. Instead the player will be calling the Lunar landers to specific locations by walking up to the terminals where the landers are and interacting with them. The order that they need to be called in are as follows. Call the Lunar lander to the Spawn Room, call the Lunar lander over to Lander C area (where Stamin-up is located), call to Spawn Room, call to Lander B area (where Speed Cola is located) and then finally call back to Lander C area (where Stamin-up is located). Once complete all the letters to spell Luna will be collected and the step will be complete. Co-op In co-op 1 player will always need to be standing on the Lunar lander when being called to the various locations. The other players shall be calling the Lunar lander to the specific locations. The order that they need to be called in are as follows. Call the Lunar lander to the Spawn Room, call the Lunar lander over to Lander C area (where Stamin-up is located), call to Spawn Room, call to Lander B area (where Speed Cola is located) and then finally call back to Lander C area (where Stamin-up is located). Once complete all the letters to spell Luna will be collected and the step will be complete. Step 7 Depending on which version of the game is being played and how many players are playing will determine how to complete this final step. At this point the player will need to Pack a Punch multiple weapons and have gained certain lethal equipment as well. All of which is listed below for each game and how many players in the game. Solo Black Ops 1 Co-op Black Ops 1 Solo Black Ops 3 Co-op Black Ops 3 Once all the above is obtained then the player or players will need to head to the Lunar lander C area (where Stamin-up is located) and they shall see there are multiple white lights lite up. There is one on the ground which is the one the player or players will need to focus on. If playing in solo then the player will need to throw a Gersh Device onto the white light then once its activated shoot a full clip of the upgraded Thundergun at the light and then quickly switch to their upgraded Ray Gun and shoot that at the white light. If done fast enough then the light shall rise up into the sky and the player will receive a 90 second death machine and a perkaholic as a reward. If the player goes down at any point then they shall loose their perkaholic. Solo If playing in solo then the player will need to throw a Gersh Device onto the white light then once its activated shoot a full clip of the upgraded Thundergun at the light and then quickly switch to their upgraded Ray Gun and shoot that at the white light. If done fast enough then the light shall rise up into the sky and the player will receive a 90 second death machine and a perkaholic as a reward. If the player goes down at any point then they shall loose their perkaholic. Co-op If playing in co-op then a player will need to throw a Gersh Device and another player throw the Matryoshka Dolls onto the white light at the same time. Then the players with the upgraded Thundergun and Ray Guns will need to shoot all their clips into the white light. If done fast enough then the light shall rise up into the sky and the players will all receive a 90 second death machine and a perkaholic as a reward. If the players go down at any point then they shall loose their perkaholic. If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to complete the Ascension Easter Egg Quest. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21 .

  • Black Ops 6 | Cod Zombie Guides

    The home page for Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies content. This category shows off Guides and Easter Eggs for the Black Ops 6 Zombies maps: Liberty Falls Terminus Citadelle Des Morts The Tomb Below are some screenshots of each of the maps. Click on these to click the link to watch the trailers for the maps. Terminus Liberty Falls The Tomb Terminus 1/4

  • Black Ops III | Cod Zombie Guides

    The home page for Call of Duty Black Ops III Zombies. This category shows off Guides and Easter Eggs for the Black Ops III maps: Shadows of Evil The Giant Der Eisendrache Zetsubou No Shima Gorod Krovi Revelations Nacht der Untoten Remastered Verruckt Remastered Shi No Numa Remastered Kino der Toten Remastered Ascension Remastered Shangri La Remastered Moon Remastered Origins Remastered Below are some screenshots of each of the maps. Click on these to access the link to watch the trailers for the maps. Shadows of Evil The Giant Origins Remastered Shadows of Evil 1/14

  • The Darkest Shore | Cod Zombie Guides

    In depth and to the point Guides and Easter Eggs for the Call of Duty WWII Zombies map The Darkest Shore. Content coming in the future

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