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Power and Pack a Punch

Power and Pack a Punch

The Power Switch can be found up on the top deck (bridge) of the boat, on the right hand side of the map. Once the Power is turned on then the Lighthouse will turn on. When the Lighthouse beam stops in a certain spot on the map it will spawn in the Pack a Punch machine. This machine has multiple areas it can spawn on the map which will move around to different places during the game.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to turn on the Power and all the Pack a Punch spawn locations. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'Not Ready to Die'

How to Activate Music Easter Egg 'Not Ready to Die'

To activate the song 'Not Ready to Die' by Avenged Sevenfold in Call of the Dead, the player will need to find and interact with 3 Elemental 115 Rocks located around the map. You can find them in the following areas.

1st Element 115 Rock can be found inside the 'Spawn Room' on a metal canister near the buyable door that leads up to the Lighthouse.

2nd Element 115 Rock can be found inside the Ship. The player should head to the side of the 'Spawn Room' where the buyable door leads up to the Ship. The player then takes the steps up and heads straight down the side walkway of the Ship and enters the 'Cafeteria'. On the stall near one of the door exits is the 2nd Element 115 Rock.

3rd Element 115 Rock can be found just under the Lighthouse. If the player heads to the stairs that lead into the Lighthouse and then heads to the other stairs that lead down to the PHD Flopper machine and then under a small table with a clock on it, the  last 115 Rock will be found.

The song can only be played once per game.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song 'Not Ready to Die'. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Avenged Sevenfold Poster

Avenged Sevenfold Poster

On the floor underneath PHD Flopper there is a poster of all the band members of the Avenged Sevenfold music band who created the music Easter Egg song for the map 'Not Ready to Die'.

Call of the Dead Avanged Sevenfold poster

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you where to find the Avenged Sevenfold Poster. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Map Pictures

Map Pictures

Inside the PHD Flopper Room both upstairs and downstairs are multiple pictures that show off different locations around the map.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you where to find all the map pictures. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Test Subject Containers

Test Subject Containers

If the player heads to the front of the Ship they can find lots of ship containers and if they look closely inside them they will see each one has a spot to keep test subjects in place.

Free Perk and
Death Machine/Wunderwaffe DG-2

Free Perk and Death Machine/Wunderwaffe DG-2

If the player manages to kill George Romero then they will receive a random free Perk and a Death Machine Power-Up. If the player has completed the main Easter Egg quest then they will receive the free Perk and a Wunderwaffe instead of a Death Machine.

The player can tell how much damage they have done to George by looking at the stage light he is holding. If he has a lot of health then his light will flash blue. If he has lost a lot of health then his light will flash orange. Once the player has defeated him and picked up the rewards, he will leave the map for 2 full rounds and then return once again. The player can then kill him again if they wish in order to get another free Perk and another reward.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to kill George A Romero easily and obtain a Free Perk Bottle. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Main Easter Egg Quest (Stand-in)

Main Easter Egg Quest (Stand-in)

This is the Main Easter Egg Quest of the map that explains the story going forward into the next maps Shangri La and Moon.This is the Solo Easter Egg Quest with has less steps than the Co-op one.

Step 1

The player must have turned on the Power Switch on the map. If they do not know how to do this the guide at the top of the page explains how. Once they have done this, they will need to head to the bottom room underneath where PHD Flopper is located and use their knife to interact with this big metal door.

Call of the Dead metal door with Ultimis crew behind it.

Once the player does this they will hear Dempsey talk to them. They then need to knife the door again in order to hear Nikolia talk to them. Finally they need to knife the door one more time to hear Richtofen talk to them. Once this is done they will say that the room they are stuck in is too dark and that they can't see. The player will now need to head to the room above them with PHD Flopper in it and look around for a fuse. This fuse has 3 possible spawn locations which is randomised every game. The locations are in the screenshots below.

Call of the Dead fuse locations
Call of the Dead fuse locations.
Call of the Dead fuse locations.

Once the player finds the fuse and picks it up they will need to interact with this fuse box to the right hand side of the door, to place the fuse they found into it which will then start a conversation between the characters.

Call of the Dead fuse box.

Step 2

The characters will be having a conversation and finally Nikolia will press a button which will activate a security system. Richtofen will then tell the player to go and destroy 4 red light generators. In order to destroy them the player will need an explosive such as their grenades or semtex grenades. These generators are located next to the metal door underneath the PHD Flopper room, over in the water in front of the boat between the walkway from the  bottom of the lighthouse to the boat, at the back of the boat in the water near Double Tap and at the back of the lighthouse behind the building with Stamin-Up inside it outside of a zombie barrier in the water. The player will need to throw an explosive such as a grenade at the top of the generator where the red blinking light is in order to destroy it. These are all shown below with examples of how to destroy the generators.

Once the player has destroyed all the 4 generators they will need to head back to the metal door in the room underneath PHD Flopper and knife it to talk to Richtofen again.

Step 3

Richtofen will now tell the player to go and find a device for him, which is the Golden Rod. To start this off the player will need to head to the top of the ship where they turned on the power earlier. Once here they will now need to move the wheel and pull the levers into the correct positions. The player will need to look to the right of the wheel and turn it to the right 2 times. They will then need to pull the 1 lever down once, leave the 2nd lever alone and pull the 3rd lever down 3 times as shown below.

Once this is done a fog horn will sound off in the distance and a bright green light will shine in the sky over near the Mule Kick end of the ship out in the water, where the  player will now see a submarine out in the ocean.

Call of the Dead submarine and light in the sky.
Call of the Dead submarine.

At this point, if the player does not already have it, they will need to obtain the V-R11 wonder weapon from the mystery box as shown below.

Call of the Dead V-R11.

Once the player has this weapon they will need to head over to the bottom of the lighthouse where they will see a green light beam in the middle shining down. The player will now need to shoot a zombie with the V-R11 at the bottom of the lighthouse near the green light beam. Once done this will turn the zombie into a human who will run into the green light beam and once in it will start floating up to the top of the lighthouse. The player must use a weapon to hurt this zombie enough on its way up. They can tell when they have done enough damage once the zombie goes into a downed revive position.

Once the zombie reaches the top of the lighthouse it will then drop down the Golden Rod to the bottom of the lighthouse which the player will need to pickup.

Call of the Dead the Golden Rod.

The player will now need to take this back to the metal door underneath the room with PHD Flopper. They will see to the left hand side of the door is a tube shoot that they will need to interact with to send the Golden Rod into the room behind the metal door.

Step 4

Now this is done Richtofen will thank the player and attempt a quick getaway and fail due to the fuse shorting out. The player will now need to knife the fuse box and then once done, Richtofen and the others behind the door will teleport away and leave behind a reward for the player which is the Wunderwaffe DG-2 wonder weapon as a Death Machine power-up. This will last for as long as the player has ammo in the weapon. Once the player runs out of ammo in the Wunderwaffe DG-2, they will lose it and need to find another Death Machine power-up to acquire it once again.

Call of the Dead Stand-In reward.
Call of the Dead the Wunderwaffe DG-2 in use.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to complete the Solo Main Easter Egg Quest. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Main Easter Egg Quest (Essemble Cast)

Main Easter Egg Quest
(Essemble Cast)

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to complete the Co-op side of the Easter Egg Quest. This video is provided by CodeNamePizza.

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Designed by JokerAlex 21

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