Shovel Locations/All Dig Spots
To complete multiple side Easter Eggs and to find general rewards the player will need to find a Shovel. The Shovel can spawn in 4 locations and depending on how many players are in the game will determine how many Shovels will spawn in and where they will spawn.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you all of the Shovel locations. This video is provided by InsaneGamer52.
There are many different locations where the player can use the Shovel on dig spots.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you all of the Shovel dig spot locations. This video is provided by InsaneGamer52.
Free Loot Chest
Before the player can begin this side Easter Egg they will need to have picked up a Shovel. There is a guide above on how to acquire a Shovel.
Once the player has a Shovel they will need to interact with dig spots around the map until one of them rewards the player with an antenna. The player will then need to take this antenna to a radio over in 'Merchant Road' and place the antenna onto the radio. Once done many Boom Schreiers will spawn in and try to kill the player. The player simply needs to kill all of them.
The player will now need to go and interact with a radio (which has an antenna on it) on the floor to the right of Venemous Vigor (Quick Revive) perk fountain. Once done, more Boom Schreiers will spawn in that the player will need to kill.
The player will now need to head to the 2nd floor of the building with Diabolical Damage (Deadshot) perk fountain. The radio is on the floor in the corner next to tables, rugs and a shelf. Once the player interacts with the radio, more Boom Schreiers will spawn in that the player will need to kill.
The final radio the player will need to interact with is in 'Market Storage' next to a wooden rack with rugs on it. This time 4 Sturmkriegers will spawn in to attack the player. Once the player kills the final Sturmkrieger it will drop a free loot chest. Once the player interacts with it they will receive a random reward.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to get the Free Loot Chest. This video is provided by Jason Hoisington.
Free Death Machine
Before the player can begin this side Easter Egg they will need to have picked up a Shovel. There is a guide above on how to acquire a Shovel.
Once the player has acquired the Shovel they will need to look around the main map and find dig spots (which look like the image below) and dig up 4 Tome of the Rituals pages. The locations of these pages are random each game however. The guide above shows all dig spot locations on the map, so use this in order to help find the pages. Once dug up, these pages will have a yellow outline around them and look like the image below.

Once the player has obtained all 4 pages they will need to head over to the 'Outpost Courtyard' to the small building with the red magical barrier on it. The player will see on the magical barrier that there are 4 small red orbs. The player must now place the pages they found onto these red orbs in a particular order. The order for placing the pages changes every game, so the player will need to guess the order. They can tell if the order they are placing is correct as the pages will stay on the red orbs if correct. If they get the order wrong, then the pages will all disappear from the red orbs and they will need to try again. Once the player places the pages all in the correct order, the magical barrier will vanish and the player will now have access to the room and be able to pick up the floating Death Machine which they can now use during that game until it runs out of ammo.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to get the Free Death Machine. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Free Sacrificial Heart
Before the player can begin this side Easter Egg they will need to have picked up a Shovel. There is a guide above on how to acquire a Shovel.
Once the player has acquired the Shovel they will need to look around the main map and find dig spots (which look like the image below) and eventually dig up a purple heart from one of the dig spots (as shown in the image below). The purple heart will then fly into the player and the players health will drop from 100 down to 50, meaning the player will be more vulnerable while holding onto the heart.

The player will now need to run around the main map and find a red rune symbol on the floor. There can be more than 1 of these in the map at a time so the player can use whichever one they wish. Once they approach the red rune symbol on the floor it will say 'Bury Corrupted Heart'. Once the player does this they will be rewarded with 1 sacrificial heart which they can use on upgrades such as the 'Tome of Rituals' or the 'Sacrificial Altar'. The player can only do this once per game.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain a Free Sacrificial Heart. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Free Points (Aetherial Orb)
Before the player can begin this side Easter Egg they will need to have picked up a Shovel. There is a guide above on how to acquire a Shovel.
Once the player has acquired the Shovel they will need to look around the main map and find dig spots (which look like the image below) and eventually dig up a red orb (Aetherial Orb) from one of the dig spots (as shown in the image below).

The red orb will then fly off away from the player. The player will need to follow the red orb which will eventually stop in the air and shoot the orb until it eventually lowers down to the ground. The player needs to interact with the red orb which will then spawn lots of free Bonus Points power-ups. The player will receive 5000 free points once they pick up the power-ups. This Easter Egg can be repeated multiple times during a game from various dig spots.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain a bunch of Free Points. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Radios/Ancient Ruins
There are multiple Radios and Ancient Ruin Tablets around the different maps that contain different parts of the story for Terra Maledicta. Once the player walks up and interacts with either a Radio or Ancient Ruin they will be able to listen to some story segments. They can listen to the same Radio or Ancient Ruin as many times as they like in a game. These can only be listened to in game, unlike the Intel in Cold War which could be picked up in game and then listened to on the menu.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you every Radio and Ancient Ruin location and let you listen to the story info from them. This video is provided by MysteryHQ.
Main Easter Egg Quest
This is the Main Easter Egg Quest of the map that explains the story of Vanguard Zombies going forward into the next map Shi No Numa Reborn. This quest is split into 2 parts with the 1st part being about obtaining the new wonder weapon of the map, the Decimator Shield. The 2nd part is about collecting the important Tome of Rituals page.
Decimator Shield Quest
Step 1
To start the quest, the player must activate and complete the portal objective which will remove the barrier blocking the path over to the Decimator Shield, which is located at 'Merchant Road'

Once the player has done this they will then need to stand over by the Decimator Shield. This will start a conversation between the Dark Aether entities. Eventually Vercanna will say that she needs the player to earn her trust in order for her to help free the Decimator Shield. The player should at this point now activate and complete the portal objective that leads over to the Demonic Frenzy (Speed Cola) Perk Fountain area of the map.

Step 2
Once the player has completed the objective and removed the barrier they need to head over to the Demonic Frenzy (Speed Cola) Perk Fountain which is located over at the 'Tents'. Once there, inside the tent opposite Demonic Frenzy, there will be a rune stone on some boxes that the player will need to interact with. This will start a conversation between the Dark Aether entities. Eventually Saraxis will spawn a blue portal that the player must interact with. This will take the player to the Dark Aether realm where they will need to complete the objective by standing on all of the red ruins on the floor within the time limit. Once done, the player will be teleported back to the main map once again.

Once the player returns to the main map they will now see 4 glowing crystals around the map. The player must destroy all 4 of these crystal in any order they wish in order to free the Decimator Shield. The glowing crystals are located in: 'East Springs' on the wall of the building next to a red flag, above the Spawn area in the 'Temple' (this is above the Exfil stone), across from the Decimator Shield on a wall next to the 'Temple' and the final crystal is located on the wall of the building in the 'West Spring' part of the map.

Step 3
Vercanna will now tell the player to head over to the 'Bazaar'. The player will need to go to the bottom floor directly underneath the floor with the Diabolical Damage (Deadshot) Perk Fountain in it and interact with the rune stone on some cushions. This will start a conversation between the Dark Aether entities. Eventually Vercanna will spawn in a green portal that the player will need to interact with, which will teleport them to the Dark Aether realm again.

Once the player is in the Dark Aether realm they will now need to complete a special 'Sacrifice' objective. They will also have to deal with the mini boss of the map during this as well as 'Zaballa'. She can be dealt with easily by shooting her in the face multiple times, which will break each of her faces until she eventually dies. The objective is slightly different from the normal 'Sacrifice' objective as this time round the player simply needs to kill zombies around the Siphon Cores until the meter on the left of the hud is completely full. Once this is done then the player will be teleported back to the main map once again.

When the player returns back to the main map they will be placed down in front of the Decimator Shield. The Decimator Shield will now start talking to the player. Once he has finished talking he will smash down into the floor in front of the player. The player can now pick up the Decimator Shield and use it. The shield can be used to whack zombies and also has a smash to the ground attack that sends out a powerful blast that kills zombies and damages more powerful enemies. This ability can only be used every 90 seconds.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain the Decimator Shield. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Main Easter Egg Quest
Tome of Rituals page
The player by this point should have obtained the Decimator Shield. If they haven't, then there is a guide above this on how to obtain the Decimator Shield.
Step 1
Now that the player has the Decimator Shield they will need to have activated and completed the objective by the 'Ravine Path' to remove the barrier there.

Step 2
Once this is done the player will need to make their way through the 'Ravine Path' and over to the 'Debrief Field'. In the centre there will be two rocks, in a stairs shape, near the Venomous Vigor (Quick Revive) Perk Fountain. On the rocks the player will find a rune stone which they need to interact with. The Dark Aether entities will then talk for a while. Once they have finished talking, Vercanna will spawn in a green portal that the player will need to interact with and which will take them back to the Dark Aether realm.

Once in the Dark Aether the player will see there are 4 red orbs locking in place a page for the Tome of Rituals, which is in the centre of the map. The player must use the Decimator Shield's slam ability next to one of these red orbs in order to break the red orbs lock. Once this is done the red orb will vanish. The Decimator Shield will then need to recharge the ability once again, which take 90 seconds. Once the player has done this 4 times, if they head into the centre of the map they will now be able to interact with and collect the Tome of Rituals page that was trapped before. Vercanna will then spawn a green portal that the player will need to interact with in order to return to the main map.

Step 3
As soon as the player returns to the main map they will see a lot of different rewards spawn in front of them. They can pick these up and open the 4 loot chests to obtain more rewards. The player will also be rewarded with 10000 xp for completing the Main Easter Egg on the map.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to complete the 2nd half of the Main Easter Egg Quest. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.