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How to Activate Music Easter Egg 'Coming Home'
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How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'Coming Home'

To activate the song 'Coming Home' by Kevin Sherwood on Moon Remastered you will need to find and interact with 3 teddy bears located around the map. You can find them in the following areas.

1st teddy bear can be found directly under the Quick Revive room outside on some piled up boxes next to the jump pad.

2nd teddy bear can be found at the end of Tunnel 6. Come through the doorway next to the Kuda wall buy which will take you into a spacesuit room. To the right inside a cage is the 2nd teddy bear.

3rd teddy bear can be found in the middle of Tunnel 11. Inside the room with the Stamin-Up machine, while facing the machine, do a 180° turn and hidden inside one of the wall panels is the final teddy bear. 


The song can only be played once per game.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

How to Activate Music Easter Egg '8-Bit Coming Home'

How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'8-Bit Coming Home'

How to activate the song '8-Bit Coming Home' by James McCawley on Moon Remastered.

The player will need to first turn on the power switch. This is located in the room with the giant pyramid device also known

as the MPD.

Once the power is turned on the player will need to head to the Quick Revive room and interact with a computer terminal 3 times. Once done the song will begin to play.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

How to Activate Music Easter Egg '8-Bit Re Damned'

How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'8-Bit Re Damned'

How to activate the song '8-Bit Re Damned' by James McCawley on Moon Remastered.

The player will need to first turn on the power switch. This is located in the room with the giant pyramid device also known

as the MPD.

Once the power is turned on the player will need to head past the Stamin-Up machine room and head into the last room of Tunnel 11 and interact with a computer terminal 3 times. Once done the song will begin to play.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

How to Activate Music Easter Egg '8-Bit Pareidolia'

How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'8-Bit Pareidolia'

How to activate the song '8-Bit Pareidolia' by James McCawley on Moon Remastered.

The player will need to first turn on the power switch. This is located in the room with the giant pyramid device also known

as the MPD.

Once the power is turned on the player will need to head to the room with Deadshot Daiquiri and interact with a computer terminal 3 times. Once done the song will begin to play.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

How to Activate Music Easter Egg 'Nightmare'

How to Activate Music Easter Egg

To activate the song 'Nightmare' by Avenged Sevenfold on Moon Remastered. This can only be activated in a co-op game.

The player must first turn on the power. Then both Excavators for Tunnel 11 and 6 must be active and drilling each tunnel. Then a player must sacrifice themselves and run into one of the excavators and bleed out. Once that player has bled out, then the other player will need to end the current round they are on and as soon as the team mate who bled out spawns back into the map, the song Nightmare will start to play. I advise that the players pick up the Hacker device and return to Groom Lake (Pack a Punch) and then teleport back to the Moon and hack the panels to deactivate both Tunnel 11 and 6 excavators.

Examples are shown below. Also big thank you to Kalhoon92 for helping in the making of this guide.

Excavators Nightmare

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

100 Free Points from Perk Machines Easter Egg
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100 Free Points from Perk Machines Easter Egg

The player can obtain 100 points from each perk machine by laying down in front of them. If in co-op, only the first player who lays down in front of the machine can obtain the 100 points. The machines that the player can lay down in front of are:

Quick Revive


Double Tap II

Deadshot Daiquiri 

Mule Kick

Widows Wine

Juggernog/Speed Cola (The player can only obtain 100 points from 1 of these 2 machines per game depending which one they lay in front of as they both spawn in the same area in Groom Lake.)

Samantha's Hide and Seek

Samantha's Hide and Seek: How to Activate Music Easter Egg/Max Ammo 'Samantha's Journey'

How to complete the Samantha's Hide and Seek Easter Egg and receive a free Max Ammo and activate the song 'Samantha's Journey' by Brian Tuey on Moon Remastered.

The player will need to go to the power room. This is located in the room with the giant pyramid device, also known

as the MPD. While looking at the power switch, if the player does a 180° turn they will see a giant computer terminal which has 4 buttons on each side of it. The player must input a specific code in order to spawn in the Samantha doll. Below is a diagram made with the layout of the terminal and buttons, with each one given a number. The 'B' stands for button and the number is the button's number. The exact code the player must enter into the terminal is:



Moon Samantha Hide and Seek Console Diagram

Video of code being entered

Once the code is input correctly a Samantha doll will spawn in over by a wooden blue 115 box in the Giant Pyramid (MPD Device room). The player must interact with the doll and it will then spawn many more dolls in front of the MPD Device, which the player must shoot or knife to make them disappear. Bear in mind that wonder weapons such as the Ray Gun, Ray Gun Mark II and Wave Gun will not work for this step.

Once done the player will need to head back over to the wooden blue 115 box from earlier, where there will now be a spinning Samantha doll. Once the player interacts with this doll,  a skeleton arm will rise into the air and pull the Samantha doll underground, spawning the free Max Ammo and starting the Easter Egg song 'Samantha's Journey'.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Space Dog

Space Dog

This is the Space Dog Easter Egg. Once complete a dog in a space suit will be jumping around out on the moon's surface.

To start the player must obtain the Wave Gun from the Mystery Box. Once this is done the player will need to complete 3 different objectives in any order.

One objective is to travel to Groom Lake (Pack a Punch Location) and shoot a mini Hellhound toy with the Wave Gun (Both parts of the gun attached together).

Moon Remastered Space Dog Easter Egg Hellhound Toy

Another objective is to shoot a Teddy Bear in the Bio Dome with the Wave Gun. The player needs to head to the area where the Widows Wine perk machine is and simply shoot at the floor by the landing pad in front of the Mystery Box location.

Moon Remastered Space Dog Easter Egg Teddy Bear Toy

The final objective is to shoot a bone with the Wave Gun around the Teleporter pad area. The bone can be very hard to see, so below is an image of what the bone looks like. Also shown below in a video is the area where you need to go to in order to shoot the bone.

Moon Remastered Space Dog Easter Egg Dog Bone

Head down to the middle level of the Labs (where the Gobblegum machine is) and over by the reel player on the floor there will be 2 dog bowls (red and blue), a small teddy bear, a bone and a hellhound toy. Use the Hacker Device on the dog bowls to activate it. The player must now get 50 kills in total, both zombies and nova crawlers by the bowls. The blue bowl is Nova Crawler kills and the red bowl is Zombie kills. When killing the enemies their souls will enter the dog bowls. Examples are below.

Hacker Devise
Space Dog Bowls Filled Up

Once the bowls are both full, there will be a dog howl and the bowls will empty. The space dog has now spawned and is roaming the moon's surface. If you head to the Deadshot room and look out of the window near Deadshot with a sniper, then you will be able to see the space dog easily. An example of this is below and a close up of the space dog.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

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Designed by JokerAlex 21

Cod Zombie Guides is not endorsed by, affiliated with, maintained or sponsored by Activision, Activision Blizzard, Activision Shanghai, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, Treyarch, Raven Software, High Moon Studios, Toys for Bob, Beenox and Demonware Software. All video contents, games titles, trade names, artwork and associated imagery are trademarks and or copyright material of their respective owners.

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