Pack a Punch
To be able to activate the Pack a Punch on the map to player must follow the orange markers and their objective which shall lead them right to the Pack a Punch.
The player must open the map up to 'Subterranean Temple' and place the amulet onto the stone table with the purple crystal on it. This shall then open up the door to nowhere and a portal. The player will then need to go through the portal to the 'Dark Aether Nexus' where if they go to the center area they shall find the Pack a Punch machine.
The Pack a Punch machine will move after a few rounds on this map between 2 areas which are the 'Dark Aether Nexus' and also the 'Dig Site'. The location for the Pack a Punch at the 'Dig Site' is next to the blue portal inside of the bull temple.

To activate the song 'Dig' by Kevin Sherwood on The Tomb the player will need to find and interact with 3 Mr Peeks Headsets located around the map. You can find them in the following areas.
1st Mr Peeks Headset can be found at the 'Shrine of the Hierophants' sitting to the right hand side of the statue.
2nd Mr Peeks Headset can be found in the 'Ossuary' in a hole in the wall with lots of skulls and a rib cage, next to the green portal.
3rd Mr Peeks Headset can be found in the 'Dark Aether Nexus' it is located in the middle of the pathway between the yellow and red portals..
The song can only be played once per game.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the music Easter Egg song 'Dig'. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
1000 Free Points/Full Power
If the player equips Dead Wire on their weapon and then shoot both the generators in the 'Dig Site' then this shall spawn in 1000 points (essence) and a full power power-up.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain 1000 Free Points and a Full Power Power-Up. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Free Random Perk
To be able to obtain a random free perk the player must either use Molotov's or put Napalm Burst onto their weapon for 500 salvage. Once done they will then need to head over to the 'Ossuary' and lite 6 fire bowls that are located at each doorway with their Molotov's or Napalm Burst weapon. Once all are lit then the random perk power-up shall spawn in the middle of the room. If playing in co-op all players shall receive a random perk.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain a Random Free Perk. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Simon Says/Free Brain Rot
The player will need to head to the 'Tombs' find and shoot a broken statue on the floor. Once this is done then the other statues on the wall will start to light up in a random order. The player will need to remember the order and shoot them in the order they all lit up in. Once complete Brain Rot ammo mod shall spawn along with multiple other random loot rewards.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to complete the Simon Says Easter Egg and obtain Free Brain Rot. This video is provided by ZoneX.
Free Ray Gun
The player can obtain a free Ray Gun and intel via a mini side easter egg. The player will first need to obtain the shovel and must have brought the perk Death Perception. Once they do they will then need to dig up multiple dig spots around the map to obtain 3 Ancient Gems. It is completely random as to when these shall appear in the dig spots.
Once all the Ancient Gems are collected the player will need to head to the 'Tombs' room and interact with the statue near Death Perception perk machine. After this multiple green eyed Doppelghast shall spawn. These have far more health than usual. Once the player kills these then if they return back to the statue from before it shall then reward the player with a free Ray Gun and also an intel if the player hasn't already obtained it.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain a Free Ray Gun. This video is provided by Jason Hoisington.
Free Self Revive and Light Mend
If the player destroys 10 vases around the map then they will be rewarded with a free self revive and light mend ammo mod.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain a Free Self Revive and Light Mend ammo mod. This video is provided by ZoneX.
Free Pack a Punch Tier 1
If the player heads to the 'Dark Aether Nexus' then on their first time being there they should see a rock in the middle area of the sky get zapped by lightning. If the player doesn't see the lightning then it doesn't matter they will just have to guess the correct rock. The player will then need to shoot the rock that was hit by lightning and once done a few random rocks shall start floating around in circles. The player will need to shoot all the rocks that are moving as fast as possible so they stop moving. Once done then a tier 1 pack a punch crystal and cryo-freeze shall spawn by the mound for the player to pick up and use.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain a Free Pack a Punch Tier 1 Crystal and Cryo-Freeze ammo mod. This video is provided by ZoneX.
Free Aether Tool
The player will need to head to the 'Dark Aether Nexus' once here they will need to find the 2 waterfalls near the Green Portal and have Cryo-Freeze on their weapon. Once they have this they need to shoot the 2 water falls with the Cryo-Freeze weapon and once done a free Aether Tool shall spawn on the structure in front of the Green Portal. Depending on the round when this is done will determine what rarity the Aether Tool is.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain a Free Aether Tool. This video is provided by ZoneX.
Brain Rot Army
Before this can be started the player must equip Brain Rot on their weapon, which they can do for 500 salvage. Once done they will then need to head to the 'Ossuary' and shoot 4 skulls with an X on them in a specific order (can be seen in the video below). Once done then this shall spawn a mini Brain Rot zombie army that will help the player for a short amount of time. The player will also be rewarded an intel if doing this for the first time.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the Brain Rot Army. This video is provided by ZoneX.
All 8 Free Power-Ups
There are 8 free power-ups the player can obtain on the Tomb. The player must shoot the power-up in order to obtain it. The final power-up the Fire Sale can only be obtained after shooting the other 7 power-ups.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you all the locations for the 8 Power-Ups. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
100 Free Points from Perk Machines
The player can obtain 100 points from each perk machine by laying down in front of them. If in co-op, only the first player who lays down in front of the machine can obtain the 100 points. The machines that the player can lay down in front of are:
Quick Revive
PHD Flopper
Speed Cola
Death Perception
Deadshot Daiquiri
Pod Rewards
If the player melees the pods within the 'Dark Aether Nexus' then some Parasites shall pop out. If the player shoots the Parasites quickly before they fly away then they will be rewarded all manner of different kinds of loot. The rarer the pod destroyed the better the rewards will be.
There is a Jumpscare that can be activated on the map but unlike other maps this can be activated multiple times per game.
In order to activate the Jumpscare the player must aim at a statue until it turns around and stares at the player with red eyes and starts whispering. Once this is done and the statue vanishes the Jumpscare shall activate either after the player picks up so much salvage or just after a certain amount of time once the whispering around the player becomes louder.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the Jumpscare and all locations for the statues. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Ice Staff
Full write up coming later.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain the Ice Staff and how to Upgrade it. This video is provided by ZoneX.
Golden Armor
The player must first head to the 'Dark Aether Nexus' and destroy 2 wooden boxes that contain statue heads. 1 box can be found next to the Jugger-Nog perk machine and the other next to a plant by the green portal.
Once done the player then needs to head to the 'Dig Site' and place both heads onto the statues. Once done there will be a prompt for the player to start a blood sacrifice. Once the player does this they will then be put down to 1hp so very vulnerable to damage and the 'Dig Site' shall be covered in a red smoke. there will be multiple elite enemies to take down. 1 selection will be Mimics and the other Doppelghasts. Once the player has taken out all the elites if they then head to the temple at the top of the 'Dig Site' next to the blue portal, they shall see on the wall is the golden armor. The player can then pick this up for free.
The golden armor regenerates the players armor automatically over time and means the player will not need to worry about armor plates anymore.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain a Free Self Revive and Light Mend ammo mod. This video is provided by ZoneX.
There are multiple pieces of Intel that can be found by the player. The Intel reveals more of the storyline of Black Ops 6 Zombies.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to acquire all the Intel for The Tomb. This video is provided by MysteryHQ.
Main Easter Egg Quest
The Tomb contains a main Easter Egg quest which has multiple steps to it and multiple lockdowns and a boss fight.
If you require a video guide, then the video below will show you how to complete the Main Easter Egg Quest. This video is provided by CodeNamePizza.
Easter Egg Ending Cutscene
The Easter Egg ending cutscene and Boss Fight can be seen here. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.