Perk Machines and Pack a Punch
The Perk Machines and Pack a Punch have lots of specific random spawn points on the map. They appear from the giant mushroom cloud in the sky and will all spawn randomly. Each time you play the map the Perks and Pack a Punch will be in a random order and place, making each game played different. The only Perk Machine that is guaranteed to spawn at the very start of the game is Quick Revive Machine on solo which will always land onto the map's 'Spawn Room' on round 1.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you all the possible areas where the Perk Machines/Pack a Punch can spawn on the map. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
How to Activate Music Easter Egg 'Samantha's Lullaby'
To activate the song 'Samantha's Lullaby' by Kevin Sherwood on Nuketown Zombies the player will need to find and interact with 3 Teddy Bears located around the map. You can find them in the following areas.
1st Teddy Bear can be found in the 'Spawn Room' in the back of the Yellow Bus.
2nd Teddy Bear can be found in the Yellow House in the upper floor bedroom on the top bunk bed.
3rd Teddy Bear can be found in the back yard of the Green House just outside the map behind the white fence in a small hole.
The song can only be played once per game.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'8-Bit Re-Damned'
To activate the song '8-Bit Re-Damned' by James McCawley on Nuketown Zombies the player will need to get the clock and Nuketown population counter to say 115. The clock hand must be on 1 and the population counter must be 15. This can be done by killing zombies and keeping an eye on both the population sign and clock to see what numbers they are on. As soon as the clock and Nuketown population counters are on 115 the player will need to head over to the backyard of the Yellow House and then to the shed which has a Power-Up behind it. They must then pay 3000 points to purchase the door to the shed and then pick up the Power-Up. Once done the song will then begin to play.
Counters reading 115.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'8-Bit Pareidolia/8-bit Coming Home'
To activate the song '8-Bit Pareidolia/8-bit Coming Home' by James McCawley on Nuketown Zombies the player will need to shoot or knife off all the heads from the mannequins on the map. Once the last head is knocked off then the song will begin to play.
Example of head being shot off a mannequin.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you where all the mannequins are located on the map and also let you listen to the full songs. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Post Box Names Easter Egg
In front of the Green House, next to the Nuketown population sign laying on the ground, the player can find a mail box for Mason from the Black Ops Campaign.
In front of the Yellow House laying on the ground the player can find a mail box for Woods from the Black Ops Campaign.
Power-Up Change in Shed
Once the population counter goes from 00 to 99 and the clock goes from 0 to 3 then the Power-Up behind the Yellow House shed will change to another random Power-Up.
Loading Screen Candy Bar Name
Easter Egg
On the loading screen for the map there is a chocolate bar in the bottom left corner that says 'Uhtli'. This stands for 'Mictlantecuhtli' who is the Aztec God of Death.

Loading Screen Drill Easter Egg
On the loading screen the player can see a giant drill. This is used to drill to find Element 115. The drill is used by the American group Broken Arrow.

Moon Rocket
Once the Game is over and all players have died on the Game Over screen the player will see one of the rockets from the Moon Easter Egg Quest hit the map.
Marlton Bunker Quotes Easter Egg
If the player heads behind the Green House to the back yard they will see a bunker. If the player knifes the bunker door each round they will hear a quote from one of the Victis Crew members 'Marlton'.

The video below shows all the quotes that Marlton says.
Tranzit Bus Horn
On round 5 the player will hear the sound of the Tranzit Bus Horn.
Richtofen's Book
On the top floor of the Yellow House, on some book shelves, the player can find two of Richtofen's books about the DG-2 and 3 projects.

Richtofen Quotes
At the start of rounds 3,6,16,21 and 25, the player will hear different quotes from Richtofen during the events of the Moon Easter Egg Quest. On round 25 the zombie's eyes will change from yellow to blue, which shows that Richtofen has now taken control of the zombies. He will also be the new announcer for the Power-Ups.
The video below shows all the round specific Richtofen quotes and the zombie's eyes changing.