Warden's Key
The Warden's Key is a vital part of the map that is used to unlock multiple key items that the player will need. There are 2 locations where the Key can spawn and it's random each game. These are shown below.
There is a Key location just outside the 'Cafeteria'. The player will need to use the After Life box and then jump up into the After Life doorway next to the Key and shock the generator. This will lower the Key down to ground level. The player will then need to revive themselves and once out of After Life they can pick up the Key.
There is a Key location outside the 'Warden's Office'. The player will need to use the After Life box and then jump up into the After Life doorway next to the Key and shock the generator. While here they should head down the walkway and down the stairs and shock one of the panels on the wall so that the door to the 'Warden's Office' is unlocked. The player should revive themselves and once out of After Life they will see the Key at ground level, so they can pick it up.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain the Key and all the Key's uses. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Power Boxes
The Power on this map operates in a slightly different way compared to your typical zombies map. The system used in this map is called Afterlife and is a ghostly mode where the player can turn on Power to certain things around the map. On solo, the player will have 3 After Lives. In co-op mode, the player has just one Afterlife per round.
Afterlife Box

Afterlife Symbol


Example of using Afterlife Box and Shocking Voltmeter.
Plane/Pack a Punch
To access the Pack a Punch machine the player will need to construct the plane on the roof. The player will need to have already acquired the Key before they can start this. The parts can be obtained in any order the player chooses. In solo the player can pick up all the parts at once and then build the plane. In co-op a player can only pick up one part at a time and place it onto the plane. Also, in co-op, certain parts require both players in order to be obtained.
The Engines require the player to have obtained the Warden's Key and opened up to the 'Docks'. When the player is at the 'Docks' they will need to have opened up the room with the Generators. Once this is done they will need to go into After Life and shock 3 of the Generators in the room. 2 of them are in the main room and the other is through an After Life doorway in the wall.
Once all 3 are shocked, the player will need to head up to the 'Warden's Office' which they will need to have unlocked by shocking the After Life panel. On entering the 'Warden's Office' there is a locked door at the back of the room on the right. The player will need to use the Warden's Key in order to unlock the door. Then in the room on a table are the Engines which the player can pick up.
The Oxygen Tank can be obtained in 2 ways - in solo it is different to in co-op. In solo the player will need to head down to the 'Docks', walk up to the metal gate and unlock it with the Warden's Key, then use the After Life box behind the metal gate. Once used, then shock the After Life panel next to the After Life box. When done the player will need to revive themselves and then they can pick up the Oxygen Tank.
To pick up the Oxygen Tank in co-op, the players will need to head to the 'Docks' and then use the Warden's Key on the metal gate to unlock it. Once done, one player will need to stand inside the cage while the other player needs to head over to the After Life box up by the Jugger-Nog machine and go into After Life. Once done, the player in After Life should head down to the cage where the other player is and shock the After Life panel. This will lock the metal gate which the player unlocked earlier and now unlock the other metal gate that was previously locked. The player who isn't in After Life will now need to head into the other metal cage and pick up the Oxygen Tanks and once they are picked up, then head over back into the cage with the After Life panel in it. The After Life player will now need to shock the After Life panel once again and this will unlock the metal gate from before so that the non After Life player can now escape from the cage. Finally the After Life player will need to revive themselves.
The Rope can be found at the bottom of the 'Citadel Tunnels'. The player will need to head down to the bottom of the spiral where they will find a Number Pad that is locked. The player must use the Warden's Key to unlock the doors to access the Number Pad. Once done the player needs to interact with the After Life box at the top of the spiral and once in After Life mode, head back down to the Number Pad. On the way down to the Number Pad there will be 3 numbers on the metal gates. These numbers are random every game. Once the player has the numbers they need to use the shock ability on the Number Pad to enter in the numbers. As soon as this is done the player will need to revive themselves and head down to the bottom of the 'Citadel Tunnels', at the bottom of the stairs take a left, go down the corridor to the end and open the doors and pick up the Rope. This last bit is timed so the player will need to pick up the Rope quickly.
The Shirt can be found in the 'Showers'. The player will need to use the Warden's Key on the locked metal door in the 'Showers' to gain access to the Washing Machine. Once unlocked the player will need to use the After Life box by the wall weapon buy. Once in After Life mode the player should run into the room with the Washing Machine and shock the After Life panel to power up the Washing Machine and then revive themselves. After this the player needs to interact with the Washing Machine which will put them into a lockdown event where the player can't leave the Showers, the room will become steamy and zombies will spawn to attack the player. The player simply needs to survive for a minute until the lockdown ends. Once it does, the player needs to interact with the Washing Machine again to pick up the shirt.
The Control Panel can be found in the room that grants access to the Roof. It is inside a glass container to the right of the Roof Dog Head. The player will need to use the Warden's Key to unlock it and then pick up the Control Panel.
The player now has all the Plane parts and will need to have gone into After Life to gain access to the 'Roof' so that they can head up and build the Plane. Once they have built the plane, they can then use it to fly over and crash into the Golden Gate Bridge. Once the player hits the highway on the Golden Gate Bridge, they will be able to Pack a Punch their weapons for 5000 points.
After a little while, the end of the bridge with the sign saying 'No one escapes alive' will spawn 4 electric chairs. The player will need to sit in one of these chairs in order to be transported back over to Alcatraz Prison. Once they spawn back at the prison they will be in After Life and will need to revive themselves.
If the player wishes to return to the Golden Gate Bridge in order to Pack a Punch again, they will need to wait one full round from when they last returned from the Golden Gate Bridge, so that the plane parts spawn in the prison again. However, this time instead of collecting various parts, the player will need to collect Fuel Cans instead. The Fuel Cans are found in the same spots as the previous parts and you can find their exact spawn locations in the video below.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Plane and access Pack a Punch. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
The player can build a Shield to protect themselves from the zombies attacks. The player needs to find 3 parts that spawn in multiple locations in order to craft the Shield at a workbench.
The Shield once crafted can then be used for the rest of the game. If the Shield is broken at any point from being hit too many times by zombies then the player can simply go to where they crafted the Shield and pickup a new one.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Shield with all part locations and how to use the Shield. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Hell's Retriever
To acquire the Hell's Retriever the player will need to feed 3 dog heads located around the map (in any order) and then pick up the Hell's Retriever down in the 'Citadel Tunnels'.
The 1st Dog Head can be found on 'Broadway', just underneath the Electric Cherry Machine. The player can tell where the Dog Head will be as there is a red drawing of a Dog Head on the wall. Once the player kills a zombie near the wall then a Dog Head will appear out of the wall and suck the zombie over to it and eat it. The player should only kill one zombie at a time while feeding the dog because the dog will not eat the other zombies that are killed whilst it is currently eating one. The best way to do this is to kill a zombie and keep a hoard of other zombies around the area with the dog. Wait for the dog to finish eating that zombie and once it has, then kill the next zombie so it can eat it and repeat.
Each Dog Head needs a total of 6 zombies to eat. Once it eats the final zombie it will disappear into the wall and the red drawing on the wall will now be glowing red to indicate that the Dog Head is finished.

The 2nd Dog Head can be found down by the 'Docks' near the door to the 'Generator Room', outside on the wall.
The 3rd Dog Head can be found up in the 'Infirmary', just in the room before the staircase that leads to the 'Roof'. It can be found on the wall to the left of the doorway that leads up to the 'Roof'.
Once all the Dog Heads are fed then the Hell's Retriever will now spawn for the player to pick up. The Hell's Retriever can be found down in the 'Citadel Tunnels' just out in the corridor outside from the 'Showers' and the staircase that leads to the lower 'Number Pad Spiral Staircase'.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain the Hell's Retriever. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Hell's Redeemer
To acquire the Hell's Redeemer the player will need to have first obtained the Hell's Retriever.
The player must first get 15 Hell's Retriever kills anywhere in Alcatraz Prison (Can not be at the 'Golden Gate Bridge' for this step as it won't count). Once done the player will hear a sound effect play.
Once done the player must head over to the 'Golden Gate Bridge' and survive one full round only using the Hell's Retriever. Once done, again a sound cue will play.
Once complete the player needs to return to Alcatraz Prison and head over to the 'Hell Pit' (where the 1st dog head is located) and throw their Hell's Retriever into the fire pit. If done correctly then the player will not receive their Hell's Retriever back.
The player now needs to head down to the 'Citadel Tunnels' to where they picked up the Hell's Retriever before and end the current round they are on. Once the next round starts the Hell's Retriever will vanish and be replaced by a blue light. The player should head into the 'Showers' and use the After Life box and once in After Life run over to the blue light where they will now see the Hell's Redeemer. They can pick it up and then revive themselves. They will now have the Hell's Redeemer which is far more powerful than the Hell's Retriever.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain the Hell's Redeemer. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Acid Gat Kit
The player can build the Acid Gat Kit. This is used in order to upgrade the wonder weapon the Blundergat. The player will need to find 3 parts in multiple locations and use a workbench in order to craft the Acid Gat Kit. Once the Acid Gat Kit is built the player can place the Blundergat inside it and upgrade the weapon. This will then allow the Blundergat to shoot out acid viles which can kill big groups of zombies quickly and act like mini Monkey Bombs where the zombies will be attracted to the acid viles.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Acid Gat Kit with all part locations. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Free Blundergat
To acquire the Free Blundergat the player will need to have obtained the Hell's Retriever and opened up the 'Warden's Office' with After Life. With the Hell's Retriever, the player will need to find and pick up 5 blue skulls around the map. These can be collected in any order.
A blue skull can be found just outside the library inside the cell that's lit up. It is on the top of the toilet. The player must throw the Hell's Retriever at the toilet and then it will pick up the blue skull and bring it back to the player.
A blue skull can be found at the back left of the 'Roof'. If the player looks off into the distance they will see some fireworks and a metal roof lamp. To collect the blue skull, they need to throw the Hell's Retriever at the corner of the roof, where the metal roof lamp is.
A blue skull can be found at the 'Docks', over on the pier in the distance, on a pillar near some wooden crates. Throw the Hell's Retriever at the top of the pillar to collect the blue skull.
A blue skull can be found down at the 'Docks' over by the Jugger-Nog machine. If the player faces the Jugger-Nog machine and then does a 180° turn to look at the zombie barrier and then looks up to see the lamp in the left corner above the barrier, then once they throw their Hell's Retriever at the top of the lamp, they will collect the blue skull.
The last blue skull can be found outside the barrier near the Speed Cola machine in the 'Warden's Office'. The player will need to throw the Hell's Retriever over at the top left of the telegraph pole and then they will collect the blue skull.
With all the blue skulls collected the player needs to head to the 'Warden's Office' where they will see his desk bursting into flames and there will be a floating Blundergat on the desk that the player can now pick up. In co-op, only 1 player can obtain the Free Blundergat and if the player goes down and bleeds out, then they will loose the Free Blundergat for the rest of the game.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain the Free Blundergat. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Golden Spork
To acquire the Golden Spork the player will need to have first have obtained the Hell's Retriever, the Acid Gat and traveled to the Golden Gate Bridge at least once.
To start this off the player must have returned from the Golden Gate Bridge at least once and then head over to 'Michigan Avenue'. They will then want to head down to the 2nd to last cell that's just outside the 'Warden's Office' entrance and if the player looks into the cell they will see a poster on the wall at the back. The player will need to throw their Hell's Retriever at the poster which will reveal a hole in the back of the wall. The player will now need to head over to the After Life box just outside the 'Warden's Office' and go into After Life mode. They will see to the left of the After Life box that there is now an After Life doorway visible. The player will need to head into the doorway and look at the hole in the floor and to the right of the hole they will see a small spoon. They need to shock this spoon and once done this will teleport the spoon away. The player will now need to revive themself.
The player now needs to head to the 'Cafeteria' and to the back zombie barrier, where they will notice that outside the barrier and to the left is a spoon on a small table. The player will need to throw their Hell's Retriever at the spoon which will pick up the spoon and play some audio from the Warden. They then need to head up to the 'Infirmary', to the room where a mystery box can spawn and they will see a bath tub full of blood. The player will need to interact with the bath tub and this will place the spoon into it.
The player needs to have obtained the Blundergat and made it into the Acid Gat. They will then need to head down into the 'Showers' and stay in here and only get Acid Gat kills (this usually takes one and a bit rounds to get enough kills). Once the player has enough kills they will hear a sound cue to indicate they have enough.
Finally the player will need to head back up to the 'Infirmary' again and interact with the blood bath tub and once done, a zombie hand will rise from the blood holding the Golden Spork. The player needs to interact with the hand and now they have the Golden Spork. This will replace their knife and is a one hit kill until round 50.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain the Golden Spork. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'Rusty Cage'
To activate the song 'Rusty Cage' by Johnny Cash on Mob of the Dead the player will need to find and interact with 3 whiskey bottles located around the map. You can find them in the following areas.
1st whiskey bottle can be found in the 'Library' on a bookshelf to the right of the Olympia wall buy on the 3rd shelf.
2nd whiskey bottle can be found down at the 'Docks' behind a giant wooden crate.
3rd whiskey bottle can be found in the 'Infirmary', on a small metal table in the room with 2 blood bath tubs.
The song can only be played once per game.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'Where Are We Going'
To activate the song 'Where Are We Going' by Kevin Sherwood on Mob of the Dead the player will need to have obtained the Warden's Key and unlocked the Number Pad and then in After Life mode, input 935 into the Number Pad.
To activate the song the player will need to head to the 'Citadel Tunnels' and to the After Life box at the top of the spiral staircase. Once in After Life mode the player will then need to head down to the bottom of the spiral staircase to the Number Pad and input the numbers 935. Once done the song 'Where are we Going' will start to play.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
To activate the Jumpscare the player must have a sniper, which they can buy from the mystery box. Once they have a sniper they will need to head to the 'Roof', go to the back left of the 'Roof' and aim at the fireworks in the distance. Once they do this, a creepy picture and a scream will happen on screen. This can only be activated once per game.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the Jumpscare. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
2nd Jumpscare
It is possible but also very rare to see the Jumpscare a 2nd time.
The video below explains how to see this rare Jumpscare. This video is provided by MrDalekJD.
Free 20 Point Grenades
The player can obtain 20 points for free if they head over to 'Broadway' (where the 1st dog head is located) and throw their grenades into the fire hell pit below the floor.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain 20 Free Points from grenades. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Secret Message from Brutus
If the player inputs the numbers 115 into the Number Pad while in After Life mode then they will hear a quote from the Warden (Brutus) saying 'I don't think so'.
This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Mule Kick and PHD Flopper Troll
If the player heads down to the 'Docks' then they will see there is a distant pier that they cannot access, which has the Mule Kick and PHD Flopper machines on it. This is a mini troll Easter Egg that Treyarch liked doing in Black Ops II Zombies. These perk machines are available in the Cell Block Grief Mode.
This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Mob of the Dead Events Notice Board
If the player heads to the 'Warden's Office' they will find a notice board on the wall that shows different images of the events of Mob of the Dead. These images show the purgatory characters' electric forms, the symbols for After Life, and the Golden Gate Bridge electric beams, as well as multiple zombies.

How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'History Repeats Itself'
To activate the song, as soon as the player starts up the game and spawns in After Life mode, they just need to stand still and do nothing. They will die while in the After Life mode and then the song will play as an alternative game over song and screen.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.