Power/Pack a Punch
To activate the Power on the map the player must activate 3 Aether Reactors located in 'Military Command', 'Data Center' and 'Mission Control'. Once a Aether Reactor is activated the player will need to charge it up with zombie souls and make sure to protect its generators from damage.
Once all 3 Aether Reactors are activated the player can then head to the 'Atrium' and use the Pack a Punch machine.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the Pack a Punch machine. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Free RAI K - 84
The player is able to acquire a free RAI K - 84 for free by doing a mini quest.
The player must have activated all Aether Reactors before this can be started. Once they do they then need to head to the 'Weapon Lab' and pick up the RAI K - 84 blueprint.
The player will then need to head over to 'Scorched Defense' where they shall see a zombie laying up beside a tank. Once the player interacts with the zombie they will be put into a mini cutscene where they shall then acquire the eye. They can then take the eye back to the 'Weapon Lab' and use the eye on the retina scanner on the table next to the computer. Once scanned the desk draw will open and the player can pick up a key.
The player will need to head to the 'Barracks' where they shall find some lockers. They will need to open lockers until a Mimic spawns in. Once it does they must kill it and once they do they will be able to pick up the Barrel Assembly part for the RAI K - 84.
The player now needs to head to the 'Weapons Lab' and interact with the computer on the desk. Once they do they shall see a circle on the screen and a pointer moving around inside the circle. The player will need to not ruffly where the pointer stops at each time it stops moving. There are 3 spots it can stop at. Once done the player will need to head to the 'Village Mess Hall' where they will find a dart board on the wall. They will need to shoot the sequence they saw on the computer screen into the dart board in the exact order they were shown on the computer. Bare in mind the computer will always show a random order every game. Once all 3 numbers are shot they then need to shoot the bullseye in the middle of the dart board. This will unlock it and throw out the Aetherium Converter part of the RAI K - 84.
The player now needs to wait for a Mangler to spawn in and once it does they must kill the Mangler by shooting it cannon arm off. This will then drop the Uncharged Power Cell part for the RAI K - 84.
The player will need to head to the 'Weapons Lab' and place the Uncharged Power Cell into the charging station on the table next to the armor stand. They then have to wait 2 full rounds for the charging to be complete. Once complete the player can then pick up the charged power cell.
Finally the player can head to the workbench in the 'Weapons Lab' where they picked up the blueprint earlier and craft the RAI K - 84.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the Pack a Punch machine. This video is provided by Jason Hoisington.
How to Activate Music Easter Egg
To activate the song 'Lost' by Kevin Sherwood on Firebase Z you will need to find and interact with 3 golden tapes located around the map. You can find them in the following areas.
1st golden tape can be found going from the 'Courtyard' through the 1st buyable door into the 'Equipment Storage Room' come to the right side of the room and the golden tape shall be in one of the holes in the shelf.
2nd golden tape can be found in the 'Motor Pool Office' leaning up on the front left side of the green file cabinet.
3rd golden tape can only be accessed once the player has turned on all the Aether Reactors on the map. Once this is done head into the 'Briefing Room' and up the stairs to the 'Scientist Quarters' and at the top of the stairs there is a small bookcase. Leaning up against some books is the final golden tape.
The song can only be played once per game after picking up all golden tapes however, once you have collected all golden tapes you shall now have the song unlocked in your music player so you can listen to the song as many times as you wish and on any map you play.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Free Jugger-Nog (Evil Bunny)
Before the player can start this side quest they must have turned on the Power.
Once done the player will need to head to the 'Atrium' and go up the stairs above the Pack a Punch. Once there if the player looks at the balcony with all the rubble they shall see the bunny Mr Peeks sitting on a table. The player needs to aim at Mr Peeks for a short time and then Mr Peeks shall fly at the player and teleport them.
Once teleported the player will need to find and shoot Mr Peeks 3 times while being attacked by zombies and mimics. Once the player has shot Mr Peeks 3 times a chest shall spawn in that the player can open up to receive free Jugger-Nog, salvage and other loot. The player will have a limited amount of time to do this and then they shall be teleported back to the main map.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to complete the Free Jugger-Nog (Evil Bunny) side quest. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Free Jump Pads
The player can complete a side quest that allows them to be able to use all Jump Pads around the map for free. To be able to start this the player must have activated all 3 Aether Reactors and have used each of the 6 Jump Pads once.
The player will then need to look for the Jump Pad that has a green light on it. As soon as the player shoots this green light this will then start and mini movement mini game where the Jump Pads screens will show arrows and the player must move in the direction while not stepping off the Jump Pad. Once the player does a Jump Pad successfully they will then be flung over to an area where 2 other Jump Pads are. The player must then run and check which one of those Jump Pads has a green light on it and once again shoot it and rinse and repeat this process for all Jump Pads around the map. After all are done the player shall now have free Jump Pads for the remainder of that game.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to complete the Free Jump Pads side quest. This video is provided by MrDalekJD.
Pet Brain Rot Hellhound
If the player puts the Brain Rot ammo mod onto a weak weapon and shoot a Hellhound then they can have a Brain Rot one which when not attacking enemies the player can pet.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to pet a Brain Rot Hellhound. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Upgraded Monkey Bombs
The player can acquire Monkey Bombs from either killing zombies or from the Crafting Table.
Once the player has Monkey Bombs they will need to head to one of the Aether Reactors and get a hoard of zombies around it. They will then want to throw the Monkey Bomb next to the Aether Reactor and let it kill the zombies. In solo the player will need a total of 50 zombie kills and in co-op the player needs 150 kills. Once complete if the player then throws a Monkey Bomb it will glow red and the zombies shall start dancing around it. They also become more powerful.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to acquire the Upgraded Monkey Bombs. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
100 Free Essence (Points) from Perk Machines
The player can obtain 100 essence (points) from each perk machine by lying down in front of them. If in co-op only the first player who lays down in front of the machine can obtain the 100 points. The machines that the player can lay down in front of are:
Quick Revive
Speed Cola
Safe Free Perk and C-Cipher
In order to start this the player must have activated all 3 Aether Reactors and completed the main Easter Egg up to the point of gaining access to the Essence Trap.
Once the player has done all of this they will need to find Sergei's Head. His head spawns in the defense areas and has 2 possible spawns per area. The locations it can spawn are 'Scorched Defense', 'Rocky Defense' and 'Jungle Defense'. Once the player finds Sergei's head they will need to bring it to the 'Field Hospital' and place his head onto the charging plate. The player will then need to go and weaken a zombies to low health and trap it inside the Essence Trap and insert the Essence Trap with the zombie in it into the Plate next to the charging plate. Once done this will cause Sergei's head to raise up and speak before exploding.
The player will now need to head to the 'Colonel's Office' and interact with the safe. Once done the safe shall open and reward the player with a random free perk and the c-cipher. The c-cipher once collected will be accessible on the intel menu.
If you require a video guide then the video below at timestamp 1:30 will show you how to complete the Safe Free Perk and
C-Cipher Easter Egg. This video is provided by MrDalekJD.
There are multiple pieces of Intel that can be found by the player. The Intel reveals more of the storyline of Cold War Zombies.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to acquire all the Intel for Firebase Z Season 1 Reloaded and Season 2. This video is provided by MysteryHQ.
Main Easter Egg Quest
Firebase Z contains a main Easter Egg quest which has multiple steps to it and a boss fight.
If you require a video guide, then the video below will show you how to complete the Main Easter Egg Quest. This video is provided by
Ending Cutscene
If you wish to see all the cutscenes for the Firebase Z Easter Egg Quest then the video below will show you all of them. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.