To be able to turn on the Power on the map the player will need to ride the Bus from 'Bus Depot' over to the 'Power Station'. Once at the 'Power Station' they will need to open up the shed door and jump down the hole to the floor below. This will put them into a large white room where they need to locate the 3 parts in order to craft the Power Switch. The parts can only be picked up one at a time and placed onto the workbench. The part spawns randomize every game, however they will all be located at the 'Power Station' in the white room. Once all 3 parts are placed onto the workbench the player can then turn on the Power.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build and turn on the Power Switch. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
The Turbine can be built on the map which will help the player power up multiple doors, other buildable traps and Teleporters on the map. The parts for the Turbine are located inside the 'Spawn Room' at 'Bus Depot'. The player can only pick up one part at a time and once they do, they have to place each part onto the workbench to craft the Turbine.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Turbine and how it functions. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
The Shield
The Shield can be built on the map and will help the player to be protected from the back or front. The parts for the Shield are located at the 'Dinner' inside the Garage and Diner. The player can only pick up 1 part at a time and once they do they have to place each part onto the workbench (inside the Garage) to craft the Shield.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Shield and show how it functions. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
The Turret
The Turret can be built on the map if the player places down the Turret, it can be used to help kill the zombies. The player must also have the Turbine in order for the Turret to work. The parts for the Turret are located at the 'Farm' inside the Barn, outside the 'Barn House' and inside the 'Barn House'. The player can only pick up one part at a time and once they do, they have to place each part onto the workbench (inside the Barn House bottom floor) to craft the Turret.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Turret and show how it functions. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Electric Trap
The Electric Trap can be built on the map and if the player places down the Electric Trap it can be used to help kill multiple zombies at once. The player must also have the Turbine in order for the Electric Trap to work. The parts for the Electric Trap are located at the 'Power Station' inside the area with Tombstone Perk Machine. The player can only pick up one part at a time and once they do, they have to place each part onto the workbench (inside the same room by the stairs) to craft the Electric Trap.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Electric Trap and show how it functions. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Jet Gun
The Jet Gun is the wonder weapon of the map and has to be built. It can be used to kill multiple zombies at once but can blow up if used for too long. The parts for the Jet Gun are located in multiple areas of the map and in each area have multiple spawn locations that randomise every game. The player can find the parts at 'The Hunters Hut' (this is in between 'Power Station' and 'Town' in the fog) over in the 'Tunnel' (this is between 'Bus Depot' and 'Diner') over in the 'Power Station' (in the Tombstone Perk machine room on the lower level) and over inside of 'Nacht der Untoten' (this is between 'Farm' and 'Power Station').
The player can only pick up one part at a time and once they do, they have to place each part onto the workbench (at 'Town' inside the Bar). This can take a very long time to craft in solo. Once the Jet Gun is built and picked up, if the player uses it too much and it explodes then they will have to rebuild the gun once again by taking the parts back to the workbench in 'Town'.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Jet Gun and show how to use it. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Pack a Punch
Before the player can access the Pack a Punch they will need to have turned on the Power and picked up the Turbine. Once they do so they will need to head to the 'Power Station' and jump down the shed hole to enter the white room area. As soon as they drop down, if they turn around they will see a metal door. They will need to place down their Turbine in front of this metal door to power it up. Once they do this they will need to head over to 'Town' within a limited amount of time - so they must be quick getting there.
They will then need to head into the bank and throw a grenade to open the heavy metal door. Once done this will blow open the door so the player can enter the hallway behind. Once again, the player will need to throw a grenade at the 2nd heavy metal door down the hallway to blow open that door. This will then open up the area to Pack a Punch. If the player made it to the 'Town' fast enough they will see a staircase leading below ground. If they did not make it in time they will see a big metal wall which means that they will need to repeat the Turbine step and try again.
When the player heads down the stairs they will find a set of corridors with the Pack a Punch workbench at the end of one of them. The player now needs to locate all the parts in the corridors and place them one at a time onto the workbench to craft the Pack a Punch machine. Finally if the player leaves this area then the stairs will close and to regain access to the Pack a Punch the player will need to repeat the Turbine step once again.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to access and build the Pack a Punch. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Upgrading the Bus
The Bus can be upgraded with multiple items. This makes the Bus easier to access and helps with stopping the zombies from entering the Bus. The items can be placed onto the Bus in the same way as other items are used with workbenches. Once again the player can only pick up one part at a time. Each part has randomised spawns in each game played, but all parts will always be located in areas where the only way to access them is using the Turbine to open the doors to each place.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to Upgrade the Bus. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
There is a new melee weapon on this map - the Galvaknuckles. These can be obtained from the 'Diner' on the roof. However, the player must obtain one of the buildable parts used for upgrading the Bus in order to gain access to the roof in the 'Diner'. The part has random spawns each game but will always be located in an area that is powered by the Turbine in order to gain access. Once the player has the part, they need to build it at the back of the 'Diner' next to the zombie barrier onto the ceiling where there is a metal grate. Once done, they will have access to the roof. After the player climbs onto the roof, if they do a 180 turn, they will see behind them the Galvaknuckles on the wall to buy for 6000 points.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain the Galvaknuckles. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
The player can use another means of travelling around the map. Instead of using the Bus they can use Teleportation. There are multiple lamps around different areas of the map and if the player places down their Turbine in front of the lamp this will power it up so that it's functional. The player must then head out into the fog and get a Denizen of their head. They must walk over to the lamp with the Denizen and when they do, the Denizen will jump off the players head and dig a hole in front of the lamp. This then creates a portal that the player can jump into in order to Teleport to a random area of the map.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to Teleport in Tranzit. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
How to Activate Music
Easter Egg 'Carrion'
To activate the song 'Carrion' by Kevin Sherwood on Tranzit the player will need to find and interact with 3 Teddy Bears located around the map. You can find them in the following areas.
1st Teddy Bear can be found outside the 'Spawn Room' in the 'Bus Depot' over on a bench next to a pool of lava.
2nd Teddy Bear can be found upstairs in the 'Farmhouse'. Head into the 'Farmhouse' and up the stairs and on the floor, on a bed mattress, is the Teddy Bear.
3rd Teddy Bear can be found at the 'Town', inside the downstairs of the bar. Head into the bar and turn right immediately and you will find the final Teddy Bear on a bar stool.
The song can only be played once per game.
If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song and also let you listen to the full song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Now Die Sign
When the player is at the 'Diner', if they look up at the sign they will see it says 'North Highway Diner'. However, many of the letters are not lit up so instead it reads 'Now Die'.

Creepy TV Messages
If the player heads to 'Farm' and opens up the door to the 'Barn House' they will see a table with a TV on it. If the player interacts with this TV before they turn on the Power, they will hear different messages from survivors of the zombie world take over.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate and find the TV. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.
Toilet Flush
When the player goes to the 'Power Station' and jumps down the hole in the shed that takes them to the white room below, they will hear a toilet flush sound. This is because the shed is an outdoor toilet.
Moon Sign
At 'Town' if the player looks at the building just behind the Bar (to the left of the Bowling building) they will see a sign that reads 'Moon'. This is a reference to the map that released before Tranzit which was Moon.

Die Sign
If the player looks at the sign above the 'Diner' they will see it should say 'Dine, Diner'. However, in the first word, the N is missing - so instead it says 'Die'.

Bank System
In Black Ops II Zombies there is a system on the maps Tranzit, Die Rise and Buried that allows the player to store the points they earned in the game into a bank so that they can withdraw those stored points in a future game.
On Tranzit the bank can be found in 'Town'. Once the player enters the bank they need to throw a grenade at the heavy metal door which will blow it open. Once done the player will see that inside, there is a draw with two keys. The left key will allow the player to withdraw their stored points earned from previous games. The right key will allow the player to deposit their points earned in the current game.
Also in the bank, just outside the door the player blew up and underneath a wooden desk, if the player has Galvaknuckles and melees, the two keys under the desk, they will be able to spawn a power-up that will allow them to share their points with other players in the game.
Weapons Storage
In Black Ops II Zombies there is a system on the maps Tranzit, Die Rise and Buried that allows the player to store a weapon of their choice (except wonder weapons) so that they can then use the stored weapon in a future game.
On Tranzit the weapon storage can be found at 'Farm'. Once the player enters the 'Farm House' they will see a fridge in the kitchen area. If the player interacts with the fridge they can store their weapon. They can store normal or Pack a Punched weapons in the fridge.
Nav Card Table (Required for Super Easter Egg Quest)
The Nav Card table is required to be built in order to link all three Victis maps together for either Richtofen or Maxis sides of the Easter Egg Quests. There are 4 parts in total that the player must collect and place down under the pylon tower in the Cornfields. The player can only pick up 1 part at a time.
1st part is the Elemental Rock. This is always found at the Bus Depot just outside of the main buyable door into the Bus Depot in a hole inside of the wall.
2nd part is the Radio. This can be found in 2 locations on the map.
The first area the Radio can spawn is at the Dinner. It can be found inside of the Garage on top of a metal cabinet.
The second area the Radio can spawn is inside Nacht der Untoten. It can be found to the right hand side as the player enters into Nacht on top of a metal file cabinet.
3rd part is the Power Box. This can be found in 2 locations on the map.
The first area the Power Box can spawn is at the Farm. It can be found inside of the Farmhouse to the left of the Weapon Fridge hanging on the wall.
The second area the Power Box can spawn is over at Town. It can be found in the small back alley to the right of where the Mystery Box can spawn leaning in front of the dumpster.
4th part is the Wooden Table. This can be found in 2 locations on the map.
The first area the Wooden Table can spawn is at the Tunnel. It can be found to the right hand side of a zombie barrier on the floor near the M16 wallbuy.
The second area the Wooden Table can spawn is in the Power Station. It can be found on the lower level beneath the Tombstone Perk machine laying on the floor to the right hand side of the doorway.
The player will need to place each part separately onto the building area underneath the Pylon (Radio Tower) in the Cornfields as shown below.

Once the Nav Card table is built if the player wants to insert a Nav Card into the table's reader then they will need to go and load up the map Buried and get the Nav Card located on that map.
The Nav Card on Buried is located in the back of the Ghost house on some bookshelves next to the staircase that heads up to the tunnel.

Tower of Babble (Richtofen Side)
This is the Richtofen Side of the Tranzit Easter Egg Quest. This quest is a 4 player Easter Egg but it is possible to complete this side of the Easter Egg Quest normally in solo (but is rather challenging) and also via a mod when playing on the Plutonium Launcher on PC.
The Nav Card table must be built and linked in order to be able to obtain the Super Easter Egg Quest Ending. However is not required in order to start the Richtofen Tranzit Easter Egg Quest. A guide for building and linking the Nav Card table can be found above.
If playing this in Solo, it is recommended to play as Stuhlinger as he can hear what Richtofen is saying at all times, which is helpful for knowing when a step is completed.
This is what Stuhlinger looks like.

Step 1
The player will need to head to the 'Power Station' and build/turn on the Power for the map. If you require a guide on how to build the Power then the video below will explain how to do so.
Step 2
The player will next need to build the Jet Gun. If you require a guide on how to build the Jet Gun then the video below will explain how to do so.
Step 3
Before the next step can be started, one of the players will need to have obtained an explosive weapon. The two best weapons for this step are the RPG or the Ray Gun. It is also advised that the player using the weapon has bought
Once a player has an explosive weapon and the Jet Gun, they will need to head over to the 'Pylon' Tower in the 'Corn Fields'. Once here the player with the Jet Gun will need to stand underneath the 'Pylon' and shoot it with the Jet Gun, holding down the trigger until the Jet Gun blows up. The player can either look up at the top of the 'Pylon' while doing this or look at the Nav Card Table.
Once the Jet Gun explodes the players will need to hoard up zombies, train them underneath the 'Pylon' and kill them with the explosive weapon. A total of 25 Zombie explosive kills is required to complete this step.
Step 4
The number of players in the game will determine how to complete the next step.
Before starting this step the player or players will need to obtain the EMP grenades from the Mystery Box.

Once the EMPs are acquired these will be used on the lamps that are located around the map to deactivate their power. As this step is different for the number of players in the game, I will break it down, first in the solo perspective and then the co-op one.
Use the video below at 4:00 min timestamp by MysteryHQ in order to see this properly demonstrated.
The player must create a portal at one of the 8 lamps around the map. I recommend either the one at Bus Depot or at Dinner to make this easier. To make a portal the player simply needs to get a Denezin on their head and bring it in front of the lamp. The Denezin will then jump off the players head and create a portal in the ground in front of the lamp. The player then needs to throw down an EMP at the lamp, immediately jump into the portal and once the player has teleported to a new lamp location, then throw down their final EMP in front of this lamp. This will complete the Easter Egg Quest solo via Plutonium.
Use the video below at 8:33 min timestamp by JokerAlex 21 which explains how to do this step solo via Plutonium.
The players will need to head to 4 different lamps around the map. They should all then communicate and at the same time all throw down an EMP in front of the lamp they are standing at. Once this is done the Easter Egg Quest will have been completed.
Use the video below at 8:48 min timestamp by MrDalekJD explaining how to do this step in a 4 player c-op game.
Once the player/players have completed the Easter Egg Quest in Solo (via normal game) or in Co-op, they will unlock an achievement/trophy called Tower of Babble. If playing via Plutonium mod, players will not unlock this.
The other reward everyone can find in the game they are playing, just after completing the Easter Egg Quest, is by heading to the 'Pylon' in the 'Corn Field'. There at random points during the game, a free power-up will spawn underneath the 'Pylon', which changes randomly to a different power-up.
The 'Pylon' and the Tranzit menu logo icon will now be lit up blue permanently until the Super Easter Egg has been activated on Buried.

If you require a full Easter Egg Quest guide, depending how many players are playing, please use either of the videos below.
Use the video below by MysteryHQ for playing the game normally in Solo.
Use the video below by JokerAlex 21 for playing the game via Plutonium Mod in Solo.
Use the video below by MrDalekJD for playing the game in 4 player co-op.
Tower of Babble (Maxis Side)
This is the Maxis Side of the Tranzit Easter Egg Quest. This quest is a 4 player Easter Egg but it is possible to complete this solo via a mod when playing on the Plutonium Launcher on PC.
The Nav Card table must be built and linked in order to be able to obtain the Super Easter Egg Quest Ending. However is not required in order to start the Maxis Tranzit Easter Egg Quest. A guide for building and linking the Nav Card table can be found above.
If playing this in Solo, it is recommended to play as any of the characters except Stuhlinger as he can't hear what Maxis is saying at all. This is helpful for knowing when a step is completed.
Step 1
The player will need to head to the 'Power Station' and build/turn on the Power for the map. Once the Power has turned on they will then need to interact with the Power Switch and turn the Power off. The Power will remain off for the entire Easter Egg Quest.
If you require a guide on how to build the Power then the video below will explain how to do so.
Step 2
The player will need to have built the Turbine and picked one up. They will need to also have obtained the EMPs from the Mystery Box.
If you require a guide on how to build the Turbine then the video below will explain how to do so.

Once the player has obtained these 2 items they will need to head over to the bottom of the 'Pylon' and place the Turbine in one of the 4 corners.
If playing with 4 players then all 4 players will need to place their Turbines in all 4 corners of the 'Pylon'
The player will then need to wait for the Avogadro to spawn in. The player can tell if he is about to spawn in if they look up at the sky and see aggressive lightning above the 'Pylon'. Once the Avogadro spawns in the player will need to wait for him to get to the bottom of the 'Pylon' and then throw their EMP at him. Once done this will kill the Avogadro and send him up through the center of the 'Pylon'.
Step 3
The player will now need to go and pick up a new Turbine if the EMP destroyed their previous one.
They then need to go and find one of the lamps around the map and place their Turbine in front of the lamp and this will make the lamp glow red and shoot a red orb over to the 'Pylon'.
For 4 players each player will need to place their Turbine down in front of a different lamp at the same time. If timed correctly then the lamps will glow red and shoot red orbs to the 'Pylon'.
Once the player/players have completed the Easter Egg Quest in Co-op they will unlock an achievement/trophy called Tower of Babble. If playing via Plutonium mod, players will not unlock this.
The other reward everyone can find in the game they are playing, just after completing the Easter Egg Quest, is by heading to the 'Pylon' in the 'Corn Field'. At random points during the game, a free power-up will spawn underneath the 'Pylon', which changes randomly to a different power-up.
The 'Pylon' and the Tranzit menu logo icon will now be lit up Red permanently until the Super Easter Egg has been activated on Buried.

If you require a full Easter Egg Quest guide, depending how many players are playing, please use either of the videos below.
Use the video below by JokerAlex 21 for playing the game via Plutonium Mod in Solo.