Website Updates
This page contains all updates to the site. Please click on the images to view the update information.

Update 10
New content is added for the following pages Die Maschine, Firebase Z, Mauer der Toten, Forsaken and The Tomb.

Update 9
This update add The Tomb page. Also updates to multiple page backgrounds.
New content is added for Citadelle des Morts.

Update 8
This update fixes loading speeds and updates the layouts for Nacht der Untoten Remastered, Moon Remastered and Alpha Omega pages.
New content is added for the following pages Alpha Omega, Liberty Falls and Terminus.

Update 7
This update adds Liberty Falls, Terminus and Citadelle Des Morts pages.
New content is added for the following pages Liberty Falls and Terminus.

Update 6
This update optimises Die Rise and Shi No Numa Remastered pages and all images to be opened up to full size for mobile.
New content is added for the following pages Shi No Numa Remastered and Revelations.

Update 5
This update makes the menu bar fit the full screen width on Desktop, adds Black Ops 6 main page, fixes and optimises slow loading pages and allows all pictures to be opened up to full size for easy viewing.
New content is added for the following pages Tranzit, The Giant, Shangri La Remastered, Alpha Omega, Outbreak, The Archon, Urzikstan, Outbreak (Exo Zombies), Infection, Carrier, Descent, Groesten Haus and The Final Reich.

Update 4
This update improves font readability of the menu bar.
New content is added for the following pages Zombies in Spaceland, Alpha Omega, Shi No Numa, Die Maschine, Firebase Z, Outbreak, Forsaken and Urzikstan.

Update 3
This update adds the website updates page/home page text to the website.
New content is added for the following pages Call of the Dead, Buried, Zetsubou No Shima, Extinction, Verruckt, Shi No Numa, Ascension and Urzikstan.

Update 2
This update contains a major fix to the footer for the website.
New content is added for the following pages Tranzit, Die Rise, Mob of the Dead, Shadows of Evil and Mauer der Toten.

Update 1
This update contains major fixes to the sites functionality and adds new content to multiple pages.